Sunday, May 20, 2007

What To Read After Harry Potter

Lady Ellen Writes:

Book Six of Harry Potter...Read...Harry Potter 7..Soon Out and Read..Now What?

Persephane Pendrake..the new hot series. First book to be released by Lady Ellen, August 25, 2007.
Now, we offer you the first three chapters...FREE! Why? Because we are sure you are going to love these books..but if you were in a bookstore..or even online, you could look through and even read the first chapter. So, we are giving you the same opportunity to read about Persephane (or Persy as she prefers) and her friends' adventures.

Try on the Truth Testers of the Forest and their puzzles..see if you can guess the answer before our heroes figure it out.

Learn the new cool'll get it before the grown-ups do!

Help Persy and the crew do battle with the evil, malevolent Melanthios.

All Lady

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