Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Yes, finally we have a release date for Persephane Pendrake and the Cimaruta - Its December 8, 2007.

If you go to Lady Ellen's Home Page you'll see a link to pre-order the ebook now for only $17.00 Canadian. After its release, the price will go up to $23.00 Canadian.

At that page, I've also enabled you to read the first and second chapters...AND if you join up for my mailing list....well....I may be talked into releasing a couple more chapters before the official release date.

Lady Ellen

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Persephane Pendrake-What To Read After Harry Potter

Biddy Mayfair, Persy's Nosy Neighbour Gossips..

Biddy Mayfair, although mentioned in the first of the series "Persephane Pendrake and the Cimatura" will not take much part in the books.

Instead, Lady Ellen will be posting "Biddy Mayfair's Musings and Gossip" at the Lady Ellen's Site on Biddy's own page: Biddy's Page

Visit often to see the updates and Biddy's gossiping.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Persephane's First Book ..Four Chapters From Being Done!

Getting Close! The famous question "What To Read After Harry Potter" will soon be answered!

The first book "Persephane Pendrake and the Cimaruta" is almost complete! Last four chapters to finish and edit..and Voila! We are ready for YOU!

Then the work on "Persephane Pendrake and The.........." Well, wouldn't YOU like to know...stay tuned.

Lady Ellen

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

NC 17 Harry Potter Fan Fiction...for Persephane?

This is a question we get a lot the Persephane Pendrake novels are going to be the next 'Harry Potter' phenomena!

Will Lady Ellen's books and fan fiction receive the "No Children under 17" rating? At this point, Lady Ellen has NO intention of writing books or having movies made of Persephane Pendrake's adventures turn into 'adult' or 'almost-adult' material.

These books are fun adventures, for young adults and will stay that way.

"When the time comes" says Lady Ellen "I may write fantasy for adults..but it will never be rated so that families can't enjoy them.

Visit Lady Ellen's Website to download the first three chapters of the Persephane Pendrake first novel "Persephane Pendrake and the Cimaruta"

Monday, June 11, 2007

If You Like Harry Potter

Lady Ellen has a home at MySpace and Squidoo. Come visit and rate the pages, leave your comments or link up to me there. Will be putting all kinds of information about Persy and her adventures at both locations.


Visit Lady Ellen at MySpace


What To Read After Harry Potter?? Persephane Pendrake! That's What!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

What To Read After Harry Potter

Lady Ellen Writes:

Book Six of Harry Potter...Read...Harry Potter 7..Soon Out and Read..Now What?

Persephane Pendrake..the new hot series. First book to be released by Lady Ellen, August 25, 2007.
Now, we offer you the first three chapters...FREE! Why? Because we are sure you are going to love these books..but if you were in a bookstore..or even online, you could look through and even read the first chapter. So, we are giving you the same opportunity to read about Persephane (or Persy as she prefers) and her friends' adventures.

Try on the Truth Testers of the Forest and their puzzles..see if you can guess the answer before our heroes figure it out.

Learn the new cool'll get it before the grown-ups do!

Help Persy and the crew do battle with the evil, malevolent Melanthios.

All Lady